Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BEEginnings: BEEsy Writer Blog

About two months ago, I entered the world of blogging with my BEEsy Mama blog. I never realized how much I would enjoy blogging. And so I decided to create a second blog--BEEsy Writer. With BEEsy Writer, I hope to share my writing journey with you, with a focus on what I'm learning and the valuable advice I've received along the way.

Let me tell you a little about my writing past. I discovered a passion for writing when I was in second grade. After writing a story about an alligator chasing me around the world, my second grade teacher invited me to write stories on her typewriter after school one day each week. Pounding away on the typewriter keys, I fell in love with writing.

As a child, I was blessed with many people in my life who encouraged me to learn and grow in my writing. So when I entered college, I decided to pursue a degree in Journalism. I enjoyed my journalism classes and hoped to someday be a writer of some sort. But during my last year in college, I received an internship that took my career in a new direction. At that time, I placed my dream of being a fiction writer on the sidelines, where it remained for many years to follow.

Even though I took a sabbatical from fiction writing, I still continued to write. In fact, I learned much about writing during these years, particularly in my last job where I was involved in writing many reports on public policy issues and programs.

Two years ago, I left my job of ten years to be a work-at-home mom. It was at that time I started to explore the possibilities of writing fiction and articles and began taking steps toward pursuing this childhood dream. During the last several months, I've developed a habit of writing almost daily (although, I usually take Sundays off). I've also attended a couple of writing conferences, joined writing organizations, taken writing and editing classes, and read several books and magazines on the craft of writing.

I marvel at the many blessings I've encountered and lessons I've learned on this journey so far. The writers, agents, and editors I've met at conferences, writing groups, and classes have been so kind and gracious, offering valuable insights and guidance on how to become a better writer. What has been truly remarkable to me is how uplifting and supportive this group has been. It's a community I feel so blessed to be a part of.

A passion for writing is in my blood, and it's growing day by day as I sit and write. I realize I have much to learn about writing. But I'm eager to learn. I also recognize that the quest I am embarking on will require discipline, long-term commitment, courage, strength, and humility. I know it will challenge and stretch me beyond what I can imagine. I'm sure there will be times I want to give up. But for me, I am hopeful this will be a lifetime commitment. And perhaps my greatest desire is for my writing to be purposeful and to glorify God.

I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you!


  1. Love your new site! Love your thoughts about writing.

  2. Hi facebook friend - I enjoyed reading about your journey. There are some amazing parallels on our fiction writing journey. I look forward to reading more on your writing blog. Thanks for following my blog.

  3. Thanks, Karen! I LOVE your blog! Your posts are thought-provoking, creative, and encouraging. I enjoyed your most recent post on the two things writers need to have to write great fiction stories. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through Facebook and your blog! :-)

  4. Juliet,
    I love learning more about your writing journey--and isn't blogging great! I got hooked on it before many people even knew what a blog was. The last year was pretty demanding for me and I haven't been able to post as often as I used to, but I feel it starting to come back, and I love that.

    BTW, you're kicking our you know whats in NaNoWriMo. YOU go girl! I'm so proud of you!

  5. Thanks, Paula! You're so sweet and encouraging! I'm enjoying NaNoWriMo, but I must say after the first week, my brain is so tired. I'm wondering if I'm like a marathoner who started a race at too fast pace, and 15 or so miles into the race hits a wall. LOL :-)

  6. Hi Julie,
    I'm sorry. I can't get accustomed to Juliet. Maybe I'll get there eventually. I remember when you used to go by Chrissy. Ha! That was a long time ago. This is Lisha Mosbey but my last name is actually Hunnicutt now. It's been a long time since we've talked and now you're all grown up.
    I too am pursuing writing and was so delighted to read about your passion for it as well. I had no idea that you enjoyed writing so much. I love your blog. I have one too, but it's not nearly as interesting as yours. I think I need a new lay out and I've got to get some pictures going. My blogs is I'd love to hear from you. My email is
